Hello friends, and welcome to my very first blog post! I am new to this whole writing online thing, so I look forward to starting this journey with you!
I’m going to be honest, I wasn’t sure if having a blog was really my thing at first. Will people listen to me? Will they even care what I say? What am I going to say? However, after all those questions continued to float around in my head I realized that yes…
I have something to say.
I was born and raised in Rochester, New York and have been practicing dietetics for a little over 3 years. Nutrition counseling has given me the opportunity to sit with individuals just like you and listen to your questions, struggles, and barriers to reaching your health goals.
Helping people develop a healthier lifestyle is my passion and my profession.
Yes, I am a dietitian, but I am also human. I know that stress can overtake your food choices, that health information can be very confusing, and sometimes ordering a pizza for takeout seems way more appealing then roasting some vegetable and eating that baked chicken you prepared. However, I know how amazing you can feel when you learn to make your nutrition a priority.
I get it, there are a lot of health blogs out there that are easy to get sucked into. I have been there. There is consistently news coming out regarding which diet is best, what you should do to lose weight, can you eat butter now, should you become a vegan?
Who the heck can keep up!?
That is what I am here for. I want to help you make sense of it all. We tend to get wrapped up in the latest nutrition craze. Before you know it, you are chugging apple cider vinegar, dropping butter in your coffee, and choking down raw kale.
My goal is to bring you relatable nutrition information that you can incorporate into your everyday life. Living healthy doesn’t have to be so complicated…I promise!
On top of showcasing various nutrition topics, I also want to dig a little deeper with all of you. What do I mean by that? Well, eating healthy, being happy with yourself, and reaching your goals is so much more than a perfectly designed meal plan or exercise regimen.
There is a lot of interpersonal work that needs to take place within YOU. I find this is often the hardest part. Therefore, some blog topics will be based on behavior change, stress management, and how to make self-care a priority. I don’t just want to write and tell you the benefits of fruits and vegetables (although there is a lot).
I want to really help you change internally which will in turn yield those external results!
Thank you so much for reading this and following along on this new endeavor.
Please send me an email, or comment below on what you are interested learning more about.
Let the conversation begin!